Antenna Diagnostics: Is Our Product Right for You?

Satellite has been as needed as ever
Despite the huge shift in everyone’s lifestyles in the last year, satellite services have continued to be relied upon across all verticals. Efficiency and reliability within the industry is as important as ever and operators utilising regular and accurate antenna testing are seeing the benefits.

In a time with global travel restrictions in place, the number of enquiries for our airborne antenna testing solution has increased as it offers independence to our customers; antennas can be tested anytime and anywhere.

How do you know if the solution will work for you?
When choosing the right product for your business, it’s crucial that you take time to establish that the solution can meet all of your objectives. Although travel restrictions are limiting the number of face-to-face meetings we can have, we have developed a live demo system that allows us to discuss your technical objectives, address variable factors, such as frequencies, locations, timings etc., and replicate your flight via a live demonstration.

The demos run through set up and show how testing missions are plotted, how external conditions (such as weather) are reviewed and how data is captured and processed. We can demonstrate azimuth, elevation and raster testing live, allowing us to present detailed results and findings using our software interface. This gives you an opportunity to mould how your demo session goes, meaning that you can establish the suitability of our system in certain areas of your testing requirements.

Discuss our product with the experts
Having an in-depth understanding of our product and its testing capabilities and possibilities is important and we’re happy to discuss any company-specific queries or suggestions.

We have successfully held many live demos over the last year which has allowed new customers to utilise our technology and improve their efficiencies in antenna diagnostics. Contact us now to arrange your live QuadSAT demonstration.